Title 2
Title 2 : Part A: High Quality Teachers and Principals
Title 2: Part A: "High Quality Teachers and Principals" federal funds in Paducah Independent Schools support enhanced teaching and learning. Title 2 money funds additional teacher positions in reading, math, science and/or English as Second Language staff at the two secondary schools, PTHS and PMS, to reduce class size. Five percent of the district's Title 2 funds are targeted toward professional development. Schools must submit a plan for how they plan to use their funds each year. The district elementary and middle schools use some of their Title 2 professional development funds for Challenger training annually for teachers who take their students to the Challenger Center at West KY Community and Technical College. Other uses include Advanced Placement Course training for the high school teachers, EPAS (EXPLORE, PLAN and ACT test curriculum) training for the secondary teachers and math and science training opportunities that teachers indicate a need to attend.
Paducah Public Schools are proud of their 100% highly qualified teachers and principals!